We are breeding cats
to improve the breed in personality, show conformation, and
health, and to keep the breed quality continuing, not just to produce more
kittens. We usually only have a few litters of kittens
per year.

You can fly to Sacramento,
CA and take a kitty back in the plane cabin
with you.
Our kittens must be spayed
or neutered. We don't sell kittens for breeding unless they are going to an established show home. We do this to keep people from breeding cats unknowlegably and having them end up in pet stores and shelters. Or having people breed our cats to poor quality cats that aren't health tested just because they're registered. There are too many unwanted cats in this world to produce more that aren't exemplary examples to carry on the breed. Most people who start breeding cats give up after a while because it is hard work and keeps you at home a lot. So I'm just saving you the trouble! If
you think you want to get more involved with cats, you can start
by showing a neutered cat so you can learn all you can
about the breed.
We love our kitties very much and lavish attention on them as soon as they are born in our bedroom. At first they stay in a nursery pen with their mom, to keep them safe from the bigger cats. When they are 4 weeks old they move to a playpen in the living room. We pick them up and pet them a lot to make sure they grow up to be friendly and happy, litter trained
and eating kitten food. Once they climb out of their playpen they are running around the living room exploring all kinds of new things. During the very impressionable ages of 0-7 weeks of age we make sure they get extra attention and like being picked up, playing on their backs with our fingers tickling them, belly rubs all over, and letting them use us as a jungle gym to make sure they are bonding well with people and can adjust to many situations. They are all ready to be loved when they go to their new homes! We also make sure they are using their litter box consistently before letting them have the run of the house. When they start eating we give them an excellent home made diet of raw ground turkey, whole chicken with bones, pork shoulder, beef heart, liver, yogurt and eggs. They also have high quality food, dry and canned.
Your kitten should never be de clawed. A Grand
Champion 4 generation photo pedigree, without registration numbers,
is provided for each kitten after they are neutered. They are guaranteed healthy and
free of contagious diseases for 10 days. After that they are
guaranteed free of heritable disease. All of our breeding cats
are negative for the infectious diseases FIV and FELV. We require that our kittens go to homes with no other kittens, unless you get 2 from us, to prevent them from catching contagious diseases that are common among catteries and shelters. The kittens will be vaccinated
before they go to their new homes. All
of our breeding cats are tested negative for the Polycystic Kidney Disease
at UC Davis Veterinary Hospital or by DNA sample. Our male breeding cats are scanned for heart disease, including HCM by heart specialist Dr. Lori Siemens by echocardiogram every few years. Any queen who produces any kitten with heart problems is also scanned for heart disease &/or spayed.
If you are new to
getting a pure bred kitten we will describe our usual process
so you will know what to expect. You can tell us about your family and what a great home
you have for a kitty! Most kittens are born in the
springtime. If there is a particular color you want, we suggest you send your deposit before they're born to avoid the rush after they arrive. If one isn't born that you like, we will send your deposit back. We will send out an e-mail birth announcement when
a litter is born to everyone who has contacted us. After they're born you can tell us which kittens you are most interested in. When the kittens are 4 weeks old we can
tell more what they will look like when they are older and what
their personalities are like, to help us determine which homes
they would do best in. The kittens are born in our bedroom to make sure they are getting the best care possible. When they are 4 weeks old they move to a playpen in the living room. We pick them up and pet them a lot to make sure they grow up to be friendly and happy, litter trained
and eating kitten food. Once they climb out of their playpen they are running around the living room exploring all kinds of new things. We will continue to send pictures of
the kittens growing up. When they are 12-16 weeks old, you can
come get your kitten if we think s/he is ready to go. Then you can take
your kitty home and love it! We would love to hear how your
new kitty is doing & receive pictures of your baby growing up
with you!
This is a breed that the whole family usually loves, because they grow up big and strong, but they're really love bugs.12 weeks old is a good age for them to go to their new homes. They love going to their new home with a sibling, because they will always sleep together, which is hard for cats to do who haven't grown up together.
We want to make sure you're not planning to de claw your kitty. British Shorthair are one of the mellowest breeds and don't scratch nearly as much as others. They are easily taught to use a scratching post or throw rug. A squirt bottle is a good tool for teaching them to stop doing anything you don't want them to do. First I warn them with a "pst" sound I make, then if they're not listening I get out the squirt bottle. It usually only takes one or two uses. The best thing I have found to keep them off counters is to feed them raw meat for their meals. They'll never find anything that good up on the counters so they don't even look anymore. They just wait for mealtime. They love having bar stools to sit on and watch you cook though!
Your kitty's mature weight will be achieved at 3-4 years: Females 9-12 lbs, Males 12-18 lbs.
When you first bring your new kitten home, set him/er up in one room while they get used to their new surroundings. Don't chase your kitty! Some kittens are nervous in their new home at first. Let them hide under the bed for a while if they want to. Draw kitty out with a toy on stick, and at mealtimes sit near the kitty, at other times see if he/she will lick some tuna juice off your finger. The best food for cats is raw meat. They love ground turkey, whole chicken with bones, pork shoulder, beef heart, liver, yogurt and eggs.
If you're choosing a commercial food for your kitty, a good food:
Has at least two meat source listed first, at least one of them being a named meat meal.
The best foods don't have any grain, but if it has grain it should be rice.
Doesn't have more than two grains listed.
Doesn't have any corn, wheat, soy, gluten, beat pulp, or byproduct.
I make a "pst" noise whenever my cats are doing something I don't like, like scratching furniture or they are on the counter. If they don't listen to that a spray bottle with water in it that sounds similar when you spray it teaches them quickly. You can trim your cats nails and there are also nail caps that can be glued over their nails that keeps them from scratching anything. We don't want our kittens declawed, cats love to stretch and scratch their scratching post and it would deprive them of that pleasure. They like posts wrapped in rope best.